プライバシーポリシー Privacy Policy


We, meleap inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) have established a privacy policy to safeguard the personal information received from customers for all the products and services relating HADO (hereinafter referred to as “Services”).
The personal information provided shall be managed in accordance with the privacy policy.


Personal Information Protection Policy


Our Company has set forth a policy for the protection of personal information as outlined below and shall establish mechanisms to protect personal information and promote the protection of personal information by ensuring that all its employees are aware of the importance of protection of personal information and thoroughly implement the required measures.


Management of Personal Information


Our Company shall take the necessary measures to maintain accurate and up to date personal information of customers and prevent improper access to and any loss, damage, falsification or leakage of personal information. These measures shall include maintaining a security system, preparing a management system, and thorough implementation of employee training. We shall also implement safety measures and perform strict management of personal information.


Items of Acquired Information


The information that may be acquired by our Company shall be the items listed below (“Personal Information” under this privacy policy).

  • お客様の所属組織名、氏名、住所、連絡先(電話番号、Eメールアドレス等)
  • Webの閲覧履歴(アクセスログなど)
  • HADOプレイデータのログ
  • 端末のIDなど機器情報
  • 位置情報
  • その他当社の業務の適切かつ円滑な遂行のために必要な個人情報
  • Organization name, name, residential address, and contact information (Such as telephone numbers and email addresses) of customers
  • Web browsing history (Such as access log)
  • Log of HADO play data
  • Device information such as device ID
  • Geo-Location data
  • Other personal information necessary to manage proper and uninterrupted performance of our Company business


Usage Purpose of Personal Information


The personal information acquired by our Company shall be used only to the extent of the following purposes.

  • お問い合わせへの対応、カタログ等の資料送付、プレゼントの送付、イベントに関するお知らせ、製品の修理依頼に対する対応
  • 当社製品の開発、改善を目的としたマーケティング及びアンケート活動
  • アクセス解析、ゲームの利用状況等、当社のサービスに関する分析
  • 当社製品やサービスに関する情報提供
  • 当社のサービスを利用されるお客様の成績等の管理
  • 当社が行うイベントの概要や結果等の管理
  • 当社製品やサービスに関する登録の受付、サービスの提供
  • その他当社の業務の適切かつ円滑な遂行
  • Responding to inquiries, sending catalogs and gifts, notification of events, and support for product repair requests;
  • Activities related to marketing and questionnaires for the objective of developing and improving of our Company products;
  • Analysis related to the services of our Company such as access information and game usage status;
  • Providing information related to products and services of our Company;
  • Management of records of customers using our Company services;
  • Management of overview and results of events conducted by our Company;
  • For registration of products and services of our Company;
  • Other requirements for the appropriate and smooth execution of our Company business


In the case personal information of customers has been obtained for any other purpose, the usage purpose shall be informed to the customers in advance. However, when any of the following items are applicable, personal information of customers may be handled beyond the scope of purposes mentioned above without the consent from customers.

  • 法令に基づく場合
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることが困難なとき
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  • 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令に定める事務をすることに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、お客様本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
  • When based on laws and regulations;
  • When there is a need to protect human life, body or asset, and when it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent;
  • When there is a special need to enhance public hygiene or promote fostering healthy children, and when it is difficult to obtain the Individual's consent;
  • When there is a need to cooperate with central government organizations or local governments, or persons entrusted by them performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining the individual’s consent would interfere with the performance of the said affairs

プレゼントやイベントに応募されたお客様の氏名は、当選者発表等のために掲示する場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。 利用目的を変更する必要が生じた場合には、法令により許される場合を除き、その利用について、予め告知することします。

Note that names of customers who have enrolled in events or for gifts may be posted while announcing the winners. When the usage purpose requires to be changed, such changes shall be notified in advance excluding in cases permitted by laws and regulations.


Information Related to Service Usage Status


To improve services offered to customers, we may automatically collect information about the usage status of the services by our customers using the system of related vendors (advertising and data analysis tool vendors).
We shall not use the information acquired on the usage status of services for purposes other than improving the quality of services.


Prohibition of Disclosure and Provision of Personal information to Third Parties


Our Company shall appropriately manage the personal information received from customers and only disclose the personal information to a third party for cases given below.

  • お客様の同意がある場合
  • お客様が希望されるサービスを行なうために当社が業務を委託する業者に対して開示する場合
  • 法令に基づき開示することが必要である場合
  • When consent of customers has been obtained;
  • When disclosing information to vendors to which our Company has outsourced work for providing services requested by customers;
  • When information is required to be disclosed based on laws and regulations


Retention Period


Our Company shall set forth a retention period for personal information of customers to the extent necessary for the usage purpose. After the retention period has passed or the usage purpose has been achieved, personal information of customers shall be erased without any delay. However, this shall be not applicable when any of the following items are applicable.

  • 法令の規定に基づき、保存しなければならないとき。
  • 本人の同意があるとき。
  • When personal information must be retained based on the provisions of the laws and regulations.
  • When consent has been obtained from the individual.


Safety Measures for Personal Information

  • 当社は、個人情報等を、利用目的の実現のために必要な期間内においてのみ保有するものとします。なお、個人情報等が、当社の特定のサービスの提供を受けるために提供されたものである場合には、当該個人情報等にかかるお客様に対する当該サービスの提供期間中(法令等により提供終了後の保有が求められる場合にはその期間を含みます)においてのみこれを保有するものとし、その後速やかに消去するものとします。
  • 当社は、個人情報の正確性及び安全性確保のために、セキュリティに万全の対策を講じます。
  • Our Company shall retain the personal information only for the period necessary to achieve the usage purpose. When customers have provided personal information to avail a specific service of our Company, the corresponding personal information shall be held for the period during which such services are provided (Including the period for which the personal information has to be retained even after completion of the service based on laws and regulations) to the customers, and the personal information shall be promptly deleted after the services have ended.
  • Our Company shall implement foolproof security measures to ensure accuracy and safety of personal information.

ウェブサイトご利用にあたって About Use of this Website

1. クッキー(Cookie)等の利用について

1. Use of Cookies

クッキーはGoogle Analyticsによるアクセス情報収集のほかに、ページ動作の保証など、より良いサービスを提供する目的で使用するものであり、利用者の皆様のプライバシー、またはご利用環境を侵すことはありません。利用者がクッキーの機能を停止すると、サイトのコンテンツの一部が利用できなくなる可能性があります。

Our Company uses cookies in the Website to improve visitor convenience, statistical understanding of the site browsing status for improvement and display optimization of the Website. When customers use our Website, information referred to as cookies may be sent to the computers used to access our Website, the cookies are stored on the hard disk or memory of the computer.
Cookies collect access information through Google Analytics and are also used to provide better services such as ensuring page activity. Cookies do not infringe on the privacy of the user or usage environment. If users disable cookies, it may not be possible to use some of the Website contents.

2. 個人を特定しない属性情報・行動履歴の取得及び利用について

2. Acquisition and Usage of Attribute Information and Action History Without identification of Individuals

当社ウェブサイトでは、サービスの向上を目的として、Google Analytics、広告配信事業者等の第三者が提供するプログラムを使用してアクセス情報を収集しています。


Our Company collects access information to our Website by using programs provided by third parties such as Google Analytics and advertisement distribution vendors to improve services.

The following tools of third party advertisement distribution vendors are used by our Company.

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook広告
  • Twitter広告
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook advertisement
  • Twitter advertisement


The above tools collect user information using cookies. The collection and usage method of access information is stipulated by the respective service usage terms and privacy policy. For details, visit the following Websites.


Our Company shall not be responsible for any damage incurred by using the above services.


Usage of Statistically Processed Data


Our Company may prepare statistical data from the personal information obtained to prevent identification of individuals. Our Company shall be able to use the statistical data that cannot identify specific individuals without any restrictions.


Revision of this Privacy Policy


This privacy policy is subject to changes. When important changes are made, the revisions shall be notified to the customers in an easy to understand format.




Please contact below for any inquiries you may have regarding the management of personal information by our Company.

meleap inc.

Mesonic 38MT Bldg. B2, 4-1-4 Shibakoen
Minato-ku Tokyo Japan 105-0011



Last Update(2018/08/01)