HADO partnership with the Japan’s giant bookstore chains – TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE ”蔦屋書店” to open HADO FIELD !

03 / 19

The first HADO FIELD in Niigata has made its debut to promote the “Integrated 5G×AR Sports Project” as part of the business venture to develop and promote 5G solutions led by Niigata prefecture!

meleap Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hiroshi Fukuda), the founder of the techno sports HADO which so far has been played in 36 countries worldwide, proudly announced the launch of a new HADO Sports Field inside the TSUTAYA Bookstore Bell Parler Terao owned by Top Culture Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Niigata-city, Niigata; President/COO:Daisuke Shimizu) to provide an exclusive AR sports experience to every generation on Saturday, February 5, 2022!

The new techo sports field has been launched to achieve the Integrated 5G×AR Sports Project as part of the big business venture to develop and promote 5G initiatives spearheaded by Niigata prefecture. Using 5G technologies, the consortium for the project will provide ultra-reliable, high-definition, and immersive broadcast services in an effort to execute a revolutionary spectator experience for the viewers of the AR Sports HADO battles.

株式会社トップカルチャー(新潟市西区)が、県内初のARスポーツHADO(ハドー)体験フィールドを蔦屋書店寺尾店に開設 | 新潟県内のニュース

With the goal of creating “New TSUTAYA experience”, the initiatives will deliver new values to the locals by introducing an advanced role of a bookstore to provide the perfect community base for “Fun, Learning, Leisure, and Work”.


What is the Globally Played AR Sports HADO?

HADO is a sport that combines Augmented Reality (AR) technology through a head-mounted display and arm sensor on a real-world court where players can freely run to compete. Three-player teams leverage their skills by firing energy balls and placing shields to accumulate points in an 80-second match.

【HADO Rules Video】


HADO is a simple but strategic team sport that anyone throughout all generations can enjoy regardless of age, gender, or physical abilities. Before the match, players allocate ten points across the four different parameters for the bullet size, bullet speed, reload speed, and shield strength in an effort to tailor the game to their strengths and weaknesses.

【HADO WORLD CUP Digest Video】


HADO FIELD Bell Parler Terao Overview

Website: https://hado-official.com/arena/Bell Parler Terao

Address: 2-9-43, Teraohigashi, Nishi-ku, Niigata-city, Niigata 950-2054

Phone: 025-268-0505

Open Hours: 9:00-21:00

Fees: 60mins/per play

【Regular Plan(with lecture by HADO Instructor)】

〔Individual〕Weekdays: 1,500yen(w/o tax) / Weekends: 2,000yen(w/o tax)

〔Court Rental(up to 12 players)〕Weekdays: 6,000yen(w/o tax) / Weekends: 9,000yen(w/o tax)

【Student Discount(from elementary to high school)】

〔Individual〕Weekdays: 1,000yen(w/o tax) / Weekends: 1,200yen(w/o tax)

※The fees are subject to change before opening